
My PhD, under the supervision of Prof. Amy Brown was a mixed methods study focused on the needs and challenges of breastfed medically complex children in the paediatric setting.

My national survey of over 400 healthcare professionals was undertaken in 2021, and my qualitative study of mothers breastfeeding sick children in paediatrics was completed in 2022.

Scope of research

My research aims are:

  • To raise awareness of the unique needs of breastfed medically complex children
  • To facilitate a culture change within paediatrics where protecting and promoting breastfeeding is seen as an integral part of family centred care
  • To drive an awareness of the value of breastmilk to sick children, and of breastfeeding as a comfort and pain management tool
  • To educate lactation and health professionals in the skills and knowledge they need to appropriately support children with a variety of challenges

The lactation skill gaps of multidisciplinary paediatric healthcare professionals in the United Kingdom

Published in The Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, March 2023

Using art to raise awareness of breastfed children with medical complexity

Published in International Breastfeeding Journal, June 2022

Breastfeeding the Critically Unwell Child: A Call to Action

Published in Clinical Lactation, June 2020

Breastfeeding medically complex babies and children

Published on All4Birth, May 2020

Breastfeeding Children with Cancer – Interview with GOLD

April 3, 2020